Originally a travel blog, but now an insight into all things Kate Trueman; running, fitness, food, travel & lifestyle...

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Spring has sprung?!

Big day, March 1st, Spring is here! But is it really? I was expecting to bounce out of bed with a spring in my step, look out my window to see a beautiful sunrise with blue skies looking to make an appearance for the day and I was hoping to put my hat, gloves and scarf in the cupboard for another year. 

But unfortunately that's all stuff of make believe. In reality, Spring certainly has not sprung on a particularly rainy, overcast Tuesday following a weekend of Spring-like weather.

Even on arrival at Waterloo this morning for my 30 minute walk to the office I was still feeling hopeful but then I received this week's edition of Timeout magazine. 

What happened to exceeding expectations? This is the exact reason Londoners or in fact the British population are described as miserable, the weather and seasons just don't deliver when you want them to!

It doesn't mean we aren't optimists though, you will expect to see at least one person to be donned for success today sporting no coat or maybe even cracking on a pair of shorts (which I saw but didn't manage to get a picture of) or if you're extremely lucky a pair of flip flops but pigs may also fly. 

Ending on a positive note as not to pay homage to perceptions of a Brit, an Italian cafe, Mantovani has recently opened by my office and there is a pretty great selection of mouth-watering gelato and I have seen people braving the streets of Tottenham Court Road sampling their delights. Spring will come eventually even if it's when summer has started.

So pick yourself up an ice cream and be an optimist today! 


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