It's Sunday, the day of rest and our alarm wakes us at the crack of dawn a.k.a 6.15am, how better to begin your last day of the weekend before going back to the daily grind and waking up at this time for the next 5 days in a row. I'm not complaining though, not really.
Nath made me toast (as he had finished my Crunchy Nut) on the most beautiful sourdough bread (bought from Southbank Market by Waterloo) with black cherry jam and on our way we went. We were travelling to Chepstow, just tucked in after the Severn Bridge for our anniversary gift of zip wiring! The whole drive down it was ridiculously foggy, so we were worried that we wouldn't be able to see where our zip wire was heading! However just before the bridge it miraculously cleared and we were greeted with bright blue skies and plenty of sunshine.
The zip wire took place at the National Diving Centre and over this spectacular quarry. We signed our life away and headed up the hill to the other side to get geared up and ready to go. For obvious reasons I didn't take my phone with me, so unfortunately you'll only get to see the quarry we went over. It was awesome for the 50 seconds or so that we were on the move! If you're in the area, well worth doing and if you get it on Groupon it's only a fraction of the price.
Post zip wire we headed into Chepstow and we had the bluest skies and it was beautiful. Chepstow has a castle set on a hill on water by a cute little white bridge. It was peaceful, quiet and lacked tourists. Perfect for getting away from the hustle and bustle of London.
We pondered for a while just enjoying the weather and quietness of it all, before heading towards the Cotswolds and as soon as we hit the motorway we regretted leaving as the weather took a overcast turn.
We arrived Cricklade ready for some more exploring. The Thames runs through this town and there is a path that follows italong and you can walk for miles and finish off with some grub at a classic Cotswold pub. Not that we did much walking, our early start had us well and truly pooped!
We lunched at The Red Lion, recommended on Trip Advisor and I think you'll be able to tell why by our photos. Quaint, cute and very Cotswold, the kind of a pub that you'd expect to see in 'The Holiday' (feel good movie with Cameron Diaz and Jude Law)!
We had some local ciders (half pint for me, I was driving) and Nath ate bubble and squeak and I had a beetroot and goats cheese tart and some chips (can't go to a pub and not get any chips)! The food took us over the edge and we decided that we had done enough exploring for one day... Homeward bound!
I fell in love with the little taster we got of Wales and we'll be heading back sooner than expected, watch this space!
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