Originally a travel blog, but now an insight into all things Kate Trueman; running, fitness, food, travel & lifestyle...

Thursday 11 August 2016

The Mr & Mrs Robinson Wedding & Burton

The weekend after my birthday was another busy one; we travelled up to Burton-on-Trent on Friday after work and met Nath's dad and sister for a late dinner before an early start on Saturday for Olivia and Tim's wedding and finally on Sunday we spent the day watching Nath's grandad Brian compete in bike races!

This is one of those posts that's less words more pictures!

Beautiful bride and new husband.

VW camper getaway.

Lunch with Hayley Nath's Mum at The Winery.

The evening do of the wedding!

Arrival of new couple by boat!

Nath and his school friends with some of the bridesmaids.

Our own boat ride.

Nath's Pops on his bike with Hayley and Nat.

Number 53 - go Brian!

Champion with Nath's Nan Barbara!

Too many late nights meant between races snooze.

Great weekend with friends and family!


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