Originally a travel blog, but now an insight into all things Kate Trueman; running, fitness, food, travel & lifestyle...

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Quarter of a Century

24 is a strange number and a bit too even, so I didn't mind turning 25 as it seems to have a bit more purpose.

The day before my birthday I went out for a 'few' drinks after work with work friends. A few too many more like, safe to say I think I literally introduced Nath to pretty much everyone in the company. I was desperate not to ruin my birthday the following day but I think a hangover was inevitable. 

I woke up early desperately needing a shower and a large glass of water but despite a hangover it was my birthday so I didn't let it tamper with my big day.

Nathan told me the surprise plan for the day... Which I will tell you all later!

After smartening ourselves up we heading into London and made our way to Covent Garden for a spot of lunch. I introduced Nath to Homeslice pizza (which I wrote a blog about earlier this year) and he was impressed! Unfortunately it was rather noisy being a popular lunchtime spot on a Friday, but the food was great. We had chorizo, corn and coriander for one half and ricotta, mushroom, pumpkin seeds and chilli for the other half. We couldn't handle the whole pizza but it seemed to fix me up a treat, I felt back to normal! 

Then finally it was time for my surprise... 

Nath took me to see Book of Mormom and it exceeded every single one of my expectations! It was definitely controversial but hilarious at the same time. So if you want to see it and you're in the UK get tickets now as it ends this October!

We had a bit of time to kill before our friends were joining us for dinner so we walked through Carnaby St stopping to browse a few shops.

We were eating at Piccalinos Heddon St which was just off Regent St and we had a drink in a bar opposite whilst waiting for the others to join us.

Lychee martini for me yum!

Dinner was great- I shared oysters and prawns with Steph as a starter before indulging in truffle mushroom risotto for my main.

After a lovely meal we hit the tiles for a great night out where the boys had far too many shots and us girls were pretty sensible. It was another late night and we only hit the sack around 3.30am but if if its not for your birthday when can you do it!

Saturday was all about Ride London prep, blog post to follow...


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