Originally a travel blog, but now an insight into all things Kate Trueman; running, fitness, food, travel & lifestyle...

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Aussies 2014, Scarborough Beach

So when we first arrived in Australia, I googled 'Things to see/do in Western Australia' and one of the first things that came up was the 'Aussies2014', also known as Australia's Surf Life Saving Competition. We straight away tweeted using the hashtag #Aussies2014 asking whether they need any keen helpers and we pretty quickly got a response saying that they needed volunteers. 

We weren't too sure on the volunteer part, however we decided we should go along and see what it's all about as we probably wouldn't get the opportunity to help out at something like this again.

Our first shift was the Sunday before it all kicked off and we helped the admin team distribute all the information packs and rash vests to the Team Managers and also learnt a bit more about what the Aussies were all about. 

The Monday was where all the fun started. We arrived in our team 'Offical' gear, complete with a cap, long sleeved shirt and a rain coat. We were assigned to the position of 'beach recorders' which in my eyes seemed to be the best job where you got to see all the action.

Monday and Tuesday of the Aussies is for  the Masters with age categories 30-40, 40-50, 50-60 and 60+! I've never seen such ridiculously fit 70 year olds, running up and down the beach, swimming fast out far to cones and swimming back. To say it was impressive is an understatement.

The weather wasn't the best on the Monday as you can see from the above picture and it was quite cold and windy*. However from a first experience of surf life saving competition's perspective it was awesome. What I didn't realise is that, everyone that competes in the Aussies or any other related competition has to have completed their bronze medallion award and done a certain amount of hours life saving. Don't quote me on any of this information as I might be slightly wrong. But anyway to even get to participate in one of this competitions means a long of hard work, plus their fitness levels are pretty extreme.

After our first day volunteering Nathan and I found ourselves super envious of their fitness, and we were both motivated to work harder!!

On Tuesday we were greeted with the same weather, however we were lucky as after midday passed it seemed to improve and the sun appeared.  We also found that, even though it was a competition the men in our area we all very friendly with each (having known each other for years) and shook everyone's hands after a race to congratulate them. It's this sort of sponsorship that ought to be acknowledged.

Finally day 3, Wednesday arrived. The hotly anticipated Opens. The people that participate in this are the kings and queens of surf life saving, the best in Australia. Some even having competed in similar events in the Olympics. And not only all this exciting information, they also have the cream of the crop bodies, not an inch of blubber to be seen. So obviously I made very sure that we were volunteering with the men! Need I say more.

Their competitiveness is a whole different ball game to the masters, each and every man/boy taking all the races very seriously. Some would even compete in 6  different races in a row. Now I thought I was fit, pah! 

And to top it all off the weather was beautiful! 

The Aussies continued for the rest of the week and onto the weekend.. However Nathan and I had to get ourselves a job and couldn't really afford to spend anymore days volunteering. Please note this happened before we started at our new job, I had just forgotten to finish writing it! I also got myself a souvenir of the event, a Scarborough Beach swimming costume (team Scarborough). Please also note that Scarborough Beach (where the Aussies took place) was named after the beach in the UK.

*Perth is meant to be the second windiest place in the world after Chicago.


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