Originally a travel blog, but now an insight into all things Kate Trueman; running, fitness, food, travel & lifestyle...

Sunday, 16 June 2013


Welcome to Bangkok

We flew from Gatwick to Dubai, arriving in Dubai at 6.30am and I kid you not it was 29 degrees. The airport was incredible, and everyone seemed super rich, diamonds everywhere, but unfortunately we only had an hour or so stop over. So we then boarded our flight to Bangkok. 

Emirates is amazing and Nathan was super impressed with the food selection and the choice of movies. Also, they had this thing on the TV which allowed you to look at the view from the bottom of the plane and also a forward facing camera, which provided Nath and I a great deal if excitement when it came to take off and landing. 

So then we arrived in Bangkok at 18.10 local time, where we located Mel who had been there since 12.30 (midday), friend dedication or what. The next bit of the story is where all went down hill. So basically I bought a well-established guide book, however this wasn't so useful when it came to finding a bed to sleep for the night. The one we had chosen 'Lub D', was in an area called Siem Square just outside the made hubbub, so we caught a train from the airport to a stadium which was 45 baht, which is around £1 and for 30 mins seemed like a pretty good deal. 

We then, instead of choosing the train which we advised to do, we decided to take a Tuk Tuk and Mel flagged down the first one, they suggested the price 200 baht, we attempted to barter for 150 and he said no and even after such a pathetic attempt, we were too tired to argue so argue. He then went on to drive like a mentalist and dropped us at what we thought was the correct location. Turns out we were still 30 mins away and at this point we are starting to perspire. We then spoke to a G4S guard (finally someone we could trust) and he advised us to get another train, which we did and took us to the middle of no where and after after staring a map for ages, a Thai girl now living in Melbourne helped us out  in guiding us to the hostel and even rang them to check availability however there were no rooms available. So she directed us to main back packers area, which we were definitely completely unaware of an which was in Khao San Road. She advised us to travel on the BTS train which was 18 baht and then told us to get on a boat which would take us to Khao San Road. She gave us what seemed like great directions and we headed on our way. We then got on what we assumed was the correct boat, however I was a little apprehensive and my conscious was right we headed to the opposite way down the river and only found this out when the boat stopped 15 minutes later. As you can tell this was a nightmare and it was now gone 9pm.

We made an executive decision to get back on the boat (which was free) back to where we came from. We then paid another 200 baht for another tuk tuk which would take us to Khao San Road finally after 4 hours after traipsing around the city. 

As soon as we arrived, we grabbed some English backpackers and asked them where we could stay and they directed us in some direction. First attempt was unsuccessful, but luckily for us we managed to get lucky on the second attempt and got a relatively cheap room with air con, 3 beds, and a bathroom. After this adventure, we ignored hunger pangs and just crashed. 

So I'm sure you'd all agree, a successful first evening... To be continued! 

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